Femi announces an exciting and strategic partnership with Allchemet Co. and appoints them as our Exclusive Distributor in the Swiss market.


This collaboration is a significant step forward in our commitment to providing high-quality products and services to professional customers in Switzerland.

Allchemet, leading trading company in the Swiss market with a great track record, shares our dedication to excellence and our passion for innovation. This partnership represents a significant milestone for both Companies

Thanks to Allchemt’s established distribution network and important local presence, Swiss specialist trade will have easier access to our products.

Allchemet brings a wealth of the experience and market knowledge to the table enabling them to provide tailored solutions and superior customer support

We are looking forward to working with Allchemet and start an exciting partnership : together we will provide our common customers with first-class solutions and a comprehensive range of services.

The focus is on effective customer benefit and a sustainable partnership with all market participants.

For any information about our products and services in Switzerland, please contact Allchemet at

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